Autumn 2024 Seasonal Experience Box

Thank you for ordering the seasonal experience box for Autumn and even more importantly, thank you for your patience as we dealt with some unexpected electrical and technical issues. In gratitude for your graciousness I've included some extra goodies in your box this time!

Now, I want to explain to you what is in your Autumn 2024 Seasonal Experience Box so you can get the, well, full experience!

💀Skull Mug with a horn handle (don't worry - it's not really horn). It's microwave + dishwasher safe. It's ready to get cozy or get witchy - whichever feels good to you!

🕯️The Cauldron Candle - a collaboration with the talented chandler, Tay, at Full Moon Creations is a pure soy wax candle with crystals and beeswax melts on top. the fragrances are phthalate free and clean burning. Always trim your wick to 1/4" before lighting and always burn your candle until the pool reaches the edges of the container to prevent tunneling on future burns. Your candle will last the longest if you keep each burn time to no more than 4 hours.

🔥Matches! Yes, I hand packed these wooden matches from Ukraine into these sweet little reusable glass containers. Strike them right on the side and in doing so, we hopefully spark a bit of positive magic for our friends fighting for their mother land and freedom.

🖤Obsidian crystals in a wee glass jar - a crystal doesn't have to be large to be powerful! My friend Deb at Flowering Moon loves these little jars for rituals. The singular stones can be used to bless your land, your home, a river...your imagination is the only restriction. You can learn more about the properties of Obsidian here.

🤍Quartz crystals in a wee jar - learn more about the mutable magic of quartz crystals here.

🩷Pink Salt with Rosemary in a glass jar - rosemary is protective, clearing and healing and is a natural companion for pink Himalayan salt. Pour the container out into your trinket dish on your altar or keep a small dish of salt by your bed. Or, be a rebel and leave it in the glass container! Salt changes the charge of the ions around it and as such is wonderful for neutralizing chaotic or anxious energy.

💀Skull Trinket Dish - use this on your altar, to hold your rings by the sink or for anything else you desire.

🦴Bone pen - I mean seriously. How stinkin' cute is this. The real surprise is that it actually writes really well!

📗Book of Spells - this is a blank notebook that you can use for notes on spells, recipes or your daily to do list.

🏴‍☠️STICKERS! I tucked all sorts of stickers into your package! They're all original illustrations by me and I hope you enjoy using them or gifting them. They're weatherproof vinyl so you can use them on your water bottle or anywhere, really!

💀Little glass skull - just because it's freaking adorable. It's a super little worry stone or a cute reminder of this delightful season of change. Something I love about skulls is that we all have one, regardless of who we are. 

⬛️ Black Tourmaline - this is my absolute favorite crystal for grounding my energy. I'll hold it in my hand, take a deep breath pulling air deep into my lungs, expanding my rib cage and visualizing reaching deep into the earth then exhale, imagining all that energy from the earth coming up through my body and out through my crown chakra. Doing this 3-4 times is almost certainly going to leave me calmer and more clear headed.

🪵Palo Santo - often used to cleanse negative energy and for healing pain, inflammation and stress, palo Santo is also used as an incense, bug repellant and a slew of other amazing things. Our Palo Santo is ethically sourced from One Love Holistics who works with the leaders of the Indigenous Tribes to identify the wood safe to harvest, gives back to those tribes and is dedicated to reforestation. Light the Palo Santo using your candle (or the white candle in your coffin box) and blow out the flame. Place your Palo Santo in a fire safe dish and utilize the smoke in your ritual, respectfully.

☕️I've included some of my favorite tea. I hope you enjoy and if you'd like more you'll be able to find it in the store or on our website

🗝️Hecate's key - Hecate is often represented holding a key - the key to new opportunities. It represents choice, transformation and new beginnings.

💀That cutie patootie little skull tied to the coffin box is once again, just an adorable little piece I made because of my obsession with stylized skulls. Tie it around your cauldron, turn it into a necklace or pass it along to someone that will smile for receiving it. 

🐍Tiny Snake for your desk or altar. Any time you get stuck in an old pattern, look to the snake. It is a master of shedding what no longer serves and starting with a fresh transformation. 

There are other little treats tucked into your box that I hope you enjoy.

Finally, here is the PLAYLIST I curated while working on this experience in the studio. You can enjoy it free on Spotify with this LINK.

Again, I deeply appreciate you and can NOT wait to get your next box assembled! (I promise the next one won't be quite as long a wait now that our electrical is all fixed up!)


Enjoy your mindful moments!

xo - Rebecca